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Expertise Matters – BVS Association of the Publicly Certified and Qualified Experts

We are your competent partner. Your successful arbitrator. The credible representative of your interests. We are the BVS – the Association of the Publicly Certified and Qualified Experts (BVS).

With some 3,000 expert members working in over 250 specialised fields, we are the largest umbrella organisation of publicly certified and qualified experts in the county. Our network consists of 12 regional and 12 professional associations. Our members meet the highest standards of professional knowledge in their fields.

Our members are either publicly certified, or certified through otherwise legally authorised institutions or accredited systems. All our expert members are committed to our mission statement .

The Association of Publicly Certified and Qualified Experts has the largest membership of Publicly Certified Experts in Germany.
Our success story is grounded in our members having the highest standard of professional qualifications, our German-wide representation through our regional chapters, and our coverage of almost all professional fields.

Our national office in Berlin is the central point of contact for all member associations. It coordinates representation across all our regional and professional associations, as well as at the national level.

Founded in Munich on November 27, 1961, BVS now has some 3,000 individual members, all of whom are either publicly certified or hold an equivalent qualification.

The core of our work is to deliver written expert opinions for judiciary, public authorities, industry, trade and private individuals.

The BVS sets very high standards for its criteria of admission, as the term ‘expert’ is not trademarked. The BVS mission statement that members voluntarily commit to is an important component of fulfilling these high standards.

Core functions of the BVS:

  • Political representation of the profession
  • Formulation of underlying professional standards for experts
  • Representation of interests to the general public
  • Competent contact on the profession of experts
  • Participation in general and specific legislation
  • Supporting the continuing education and professional development of experts
  • Promoting the vocational training of future experts
  • Organisation of expert events